The two new Matamata-based coaching/player development programmes are set for a start on Tuesday, June 10.
Matamata Skill Centre (run by WaiBOP Football)
The programme is designed to develop the individual players by focusing on core techniques and habits. The curriculum is based on what is run in representative programmes across the region.
When: 7am sharp and will finish at 8am.
Where: Hockey Turf at Matamata College (Bradley Gym at Matamata College if weather is bad).
Duration: Term 2 – Four weeks and Term 3 – Eight weeks (final session 9th September).
Please bring suitable footwear for both turf and court. Players are required to wear shin pads. Also bring water bottles.
Football For All Programme
When: 3pm to 4.15pm (approximate finish time).
Where: Matamata Domain (sessions will be postponed if the weather is too bad).
Duration: Term 2 – Four weeks and Term 3 – Six weeks (final session 26th August).
Click here for more information about this programme.