Matamata Swifts’ first Coaches Forum session will take place on Monday August 25 at the clubrooms – 6.30pm start.
Our guest presenter will be Peter Smith, who is the head coach of WaiBOP United, our region’s ASB Premiership side. Peter will provide an insight into what it takes to prepare and run a national league side, with lessons that can be applied to our junior, youth and senior teams.
Peter’s presentation should last for 30-45 minutes with time for questions afterwards. Food and refreshments will be provided.
Although it’s late in the season this is an opportunity to learn from a coach operating at the top level and take some ideas back to your own teams.
If you’d like to attend please RSVP to Dwayne Barlow here (to assist with catering).
Also, please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you feel might be interested in attending.