The Matamata Futures Group is running a survey about the construction of an indoor stadium in Matamata.

The survey is here: (and there’s an article in the Matamata Chronicle).

We have been in ongoing discussions with the Futures Group, the council, WaiBOP Football Federation and others, regarding the current state of the club’s facilities and what we need as we move into the future.

The ideal outcome for the club, we believe, would be to have this stadium built at Swap Park. This would allow us to have modern changing facilities, clubrooms, storage etc as part of the stadium, while also having access to all the extra space for playing fields that can be maintained to a high level. A new indoor stadium would also give us an opportunity to grow futsal both locally and regionally.

We are, of course, aware that we may ultimately need to compromise in order for both the club and the community to gain a facility that best suits everyone’s needs. We also believe that an on-going presence at the Domain, probably for junior football, will be necessary.

There’s been a whole lot of other stuff talked about, over many, many years, around the club’s potential move to another location. You can contact Dwayne Barlow if you’re interested in more background on this project.

In the meantime, we’d like to ask that you fill in the survey and suggest you highlight the club’s need for extra facilities (changing, storage etc) and space for playing fields. You could also select Swap Park as your preferred venue for the stadium.